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Online reputation
What is online reputation? Why is online reputation so important?

We can say that online reputation is the prestige that your brand has on the internet. This reputation is generated through the opinions of users who have interacted with your company or who have bought your products or services. Everything we do to improve our online reputation will have a positive impact on the perception that customers have of our products and services.

Nowadays, thanks to digitalization,it is very easy to find comments and opinions about companies, products and services. And this is a decisive factor when it comes to making a purchasing decision. Therefore, having an online presence and a good reputation is essential for our business to function properly.

A good reputation corresponds to good publicity.

If our customers have a positive perception of the products we sell, this perception will influence other potential customers who are interested in the same products or services.
It is very important to have a contingency plan to know how to act if we have a reputation crisis. We must know how to act if we receive a negative review or criticism from a customer who is dissatisfied with one of our products. It is essential to monitor comments or opinions about our company constantly and to implement possible preventive actions.

As regards SEO strategies, a fundamental point to take into account is the reputation we have. Search engines will always reward companies that have a good online reputation, and will punish those that do not have positive reviews.

If you want to get more clients and want us to help you create a good online reputation, contact us without obligation!

Further information