Seniors online security for creativity
Digital identity, online reputation, internet, frauds, online, scamming, social networks
Objectives/goalsAt the end of this module, you will be able to:
Know what you should know about your digital identity and online reputation.
The unit focuses on:
Unit 3.1. Doctor Jack e Mister Hyde (Who you are and others on the internet and how to protect it)
Section 3.1.1 Introduction
Section 3.1.2. Identity theft: what happens if they steal your identity?
Section 3.2.3. Account theft: what happens if they use your accounts? Some tips to avoid it.
Section 3.2.4. Further tips
This unit will provide “does and don’ts” such as “Do not use public computers”, “Set a strong and complex password”, “Make sure you are using a secure connection”, double factor authentification, etc. to protect your digital identity. This unit will also talk about the safe ways of using social media and what not to reveal online.