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EU Tool Services and opportunities for Entrepreneurship
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EU opportunities for entrepreneurship

EU opportunities for entrepreneurship

To promote and support entrepreneurship EU provides key support networks, tools and resources

1.The  Portal aims to give SMEs clear and easy access to the broad range of existing public services. Presently, 35 target markets around the world are covered. It includes a useful Market Access Database – that is free, open to the public and contains some 300 service providers that cover approximately 1200 support services


To promote and support entrepreneurship EU provides key support networks, tools and resources

2.The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, focusing on supporting internationalisation of European Businesses and SMEs


3.The Enterprise European Network, providing  access to market information and partnership

To promote and support entrepreneurship EU provides key support networks, tools and resources


4.The Europe Business portal: a guide to doing business in Europe


All of them are available in the 24 official languages of the European Union


Tools include:

Guidebooks on internationalisation support for micro-enterprises
An extensive Export Helpdesk
Formulation of the Enterprise Europe Network as a support tool for the internationalisation of micro-enterprises, providing advice for international growth


The “Database”


Tools include:

Partnering opportunities, divided into countries and sectors 
Event calendar for international growth opportunities
Business matchmaking events, intel on trade missions, conferences and workshops 


Created by DG Growth:

It is an overview of EU Instruments contributing to the Internalisation of European Business to help improve the knowledge of potential business internationalisation stakeholders on funding possibilities and existing instruments (both direct and indirect) and supporting SME internalisation beyond the EU


The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. 

Export of products or services to new markets

Acquiring CE marking for products

Finance guidance and mentoring for growth plans

Protection of intellectual property assets in another country

The Network has some 600 partners (SME support service providers) in more than 50 countries


A convenient guide for micro-enterprises wishing to go abroad and fully exploit opportunities of the EU Single Market
Intends to provide practical information on rights, obligations and opportunities for entrepreneurs who wish to do business throughout the EU
Covers a wide range of topics i.e. e-procurement, IPRs, standardisation, EU funding
Established under the EU programme COSME

Divided into 8 main sections:

1.Start and Grow
2.Product requirements
3.Selling abroad
4.Public contracts
5.Human Resources
6.Finance and Funding
8.Fiscal requirements


The ESF is Europe’s main tool for promoting employment and social inclusion.
It helps people to get a job, integrating disadvantaged people into society and ensuring fairer life opportunities for all.
Every year, the Fund helps some 10 million people into work, or to improve their skills to find work in future.
ESF goals are: mitigate the consequences of the current economic crisis, especially the rise in unemployment and poverty levels create an inclusive society, as part of Europe’s strategy to remodel its economy
The European Social Fund Plus, part of the EU’s budget from 2021-2027, will be the main financial instrument to strengthen Europe’s social dimension. In this period, the ESF will provide some €80 billion in funding to train people and help them get into work.

The ESF drive to boost employment aims at all sectors and groups of people who can benefit. However, there is a focus on groups who are suffering most or who can benefit significantly from ESF activities in these areas:


1. Boosting business

2. Opening pathways to work

Boosting business

The ESF helps entrepreneurs and the self-employed in many ways, including support for training in basic management, legal and financial skills for setting up a business


Growth by Leadership

(Denmark, 2012-2015)


With “Growth by Leadership” project participants learned how to translate their strategic intentions into actions, and to create the necessary framework that companies require to grow
They also had personal development training, learning about different leadership styles, and working with mentors and consultants to get a deeper understanding of their business and their contribution to its success
Opening pathways to work

The ESF funds projects that are helping millions of people looking for work to find a job. In addition, ESF help puts a particular focus on those who find it more difficult to get a job than others for a variety of reasons, for example because their skills are outdated or because they have no qualifications


A way out of the unemployment circle

(Slovak Republic, 2015-2018)


Employers in seven of the less-developed regions of Slovakia have been encouraged to help unemployed people with a new initiative – and it’s already got thousands of people into work


The project “A way out of the unemployment circle” offers employers a significant financial contribution in return for creating job opportunities for long-term unemployed and low-skilled jobseekers. It is hoped that the over-50 age group in particular, would benefit from newly-created roles across the country


1.COSME Programme
2.InnovFin – EU Finance for innovators
3.Creative Europe programme
4.EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation
COSME Programme

The programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) is improving access to finance for SMEs through two financial instruments
COSME has a budget of over EUR 1.3 billion to fund these financial instruments that facilitate access to loans and equity finance for SMEs where market gaps have been identified

InnovFin financing tools cover a wide range of loans, guarantees and equity-type funding, which can be tailored to innovators’ needs
InnovFin is available across all eligible sectors in EU Member States and Associated Countries, under the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020
With InnovFin – EU Finance for Innovators, the EIB Group can provide financing starting at EUR 25 000 for investments in research and innovation (R&I) to companies and other entities of all sizes and age

The Creative Europe programme has set up a €121 million guarantee facility, to enhance the access to finance for SMEs in the cultural and creative sector (CCS), operational as of 2016. It will support the scaling up of cultural and creative projects and help the sector in becoming more competitive


The European Commission has committed to partially cover financial intermediaries' potential losses when they engage with CCS projects. Coverage will reach up to 70% of individual loans' losses and up to 25% for portfolios

EaSI programme is a financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions
One of its objectives is to strengthen ownership of EU objectives and coordination of action at EU and national level in the areas of employment, social affairs and inclusion


EU opportunities, EU programmes, Entrepreneurship


• Know the EU opportunities for entrepreneurship
• Know the EU funding programmes for SMEs


To promote and support entrepreneurship EU provides key support networks, tools and resources: Guidebooks on internationalisation support for micro-enterprises, an extensive Export Helpdesk; formulation of the Enterprise Europe Network as a support tool for the internationalisation of micro-enterprises, providing advice for international growth. With this course you will learn all the opportunities offered by the EU.
