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Reassess and Act on Cross Competencies

Online Communication and Visibility / Internationalisation
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Online communication


 What to take care of:

It is necessary to develop your own website so as many users as possible access it and make your business known
There are a lot of programs (such as Artisteer, Dreamweaver) and platforms (such as Wordpress, Wix, that you can use to create your own website and there is a wide range of free templates available online together with many free tutorials
The content and structure of your website must be based on three basic criteria: usability, user-friendliness and accessibility
Photos and images: high definitions and high resolutions customised photos
Contents: all the information you include in your site must be coherent with your mission and values as a brand
Contact details (email, phone numbers/whatsapp, fax, address, skype, facebook, instagram, etc.) and navigating menus, must be easily accessible
News & agenda section: here you can upload news about your activities and services
Creating a website is pointless if nobody sees it. You need to POSITION IT and you can use the following tips to improve your SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION):
Metatags: Metatags are located in the HTML source code of a web page and they are used to provide general positioning information about our website
Image metadata: Make sure you make the most of any positioning opportunity by using < alt > or < title > tags to include/reinforce keywords
Internal Linking: Text links are the best choice as the anchor text (the actual words used to link to a specific page). You can also create a sitemap to internal pages and link it from your homepage to increase indexing.
Creating a website is pointless if nobody sees it. You need to POSITION IT and you can use the following tips to improve your SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION):

Site Structure: You must "think like a search engine spider". Spider or Bots read your web page like you would read a book using text links and digital contents

Appropriate Keywords: It is one of the most important step of the process as if you don’t do it properly it will give you traffic that is not relevant for you. Make sure your keywords are not too technical and they include those terms that your target user would use to find your services.

Optimization: Once you have your keywords, your contents and your site structure you should optimize your site. Put your keywords in the content as much as you can while keeping it readable to a human visitor.

After the website implementation, you have to develop a STRONG communication STRATEGY, otherwise you could feel a bit like driving blind.

Clearly state who you are and be assertive

Always underline that you are a woman at the head of your own business. Tell customers about your life, your career and -most important- how much you believe in this new business.

Define your target customers

Who your customers are, their characteristics, what drives them to buy, what opinion they have of your brand, their level of satisfaction and so on.

Define your message

You have to transfer a clear message and state the essence of your enterprise, i.e., your message should communicate its mission



Online communication and visibility

Social Media for business

Social media must be functional to the presentation and sale of the product as they are able to promote a constant interaction with users.

Plan your social media action in advance:  list the main actions/ milestones you hope to achieve in the first months/ year (subscribers, beneficiaries, sponsors, website traffic numbers, friend/ followers, etc.)

Use the one-in-seven rule: This basic rule is one every seven posts can be self-advertising. The remaining six should be centred on sharing valuable content. Consider keyword research and brainstorm content ideas that will interest your target audience and serve your goal.

Social media must be functional to the presentation and sale of the product as they are able to promote a constant interaction with users.

Find out the most suitable social media for you:

Not all social networks have the same function, the same users nor the same management.

On Facebook you can create your page

Instagram allows you to post photos and publish ‘Stories’

Twitter is used to share short comments, make announcements that can instantaneously reach a large audience or retweet relevant content.

Social media must be functional to the presentation and sale of the product as they are able to promote a constant interaction with users.

Encourage feedback:

don’t be scared of asking people what they think about you. You might discover that they have a great opinion and therefore you want them to tell it out laud. Even negative feedbacks are positive as they allow you to tailor your services to your beneficiaries/sponsors’ needs.

ONLINE VISIBILITY together with strong communication strategies will be the tool to TURN your business into a SUCCESS

……Clients must know about the existence of our brand…..

But…… HOW?

Exploit your website functionalities

Your website is the first impression for your potential customers, this is why you should pay attention to your corporative image, your mission, goals and vision, design, images and font styles and heading.

Link building: it is a key part of any successful SEO strategy that involves getting other websites to link to yours — a simple hyperlink from one site to another. It is also agreed by many that it is one of the hardest parts of ranking a website, whilst one of the most rewarding when you get it right.

Use business directories and / or marketplaces

There are some obvious benefits to listing your business on a directory or marketplace. Adding your business to a Directory or Marketplace makes it easy for users to find you. You get another slice of internet real estate dedicated to your business. You make your business more accessible by increasing the number of channels through which a customer can find you. They are platforms that put sellers and buyers in contact to make a commercial transaction. They are a good way to get clients and increase your visibility. Some examples of well-known marketplaces are Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Etsy or Rakuten.


Customer rewards

Customer reward programs are a low-cost alternative to get visibility. Create and actively promote a loyalty program that rewards your customers. For example a virtual loyalty punch cards with point system that incentives to your best customers to keep customers coming back and boost word-of-mouth marketing.

Effective after-sales service and customer service

Consumers have changed and they do not hesitate in including a comment about a product or service. Vice versa, before buying, they usually have a look at the opinions of the rest of customers. Therefore, if you are able to solve any issue quickly and effectively, a negative comment can be transformed into a positive one, positioning yourself as a serious company that cares for its users.

Opt-in e-mail

An opt-in email list is a collection of email lists with information that your subscribers have willingly given to you. This means they are aware that you are adding them to your list and agree to receive mass emails, newsletters, or other forms of digital communication from you. The key is to email as often as twice monthly, but only to an in-house list of members who have agreed to receive e-mail from you. Keep the content extremely relevant, and you'll see response rates climb.



To succeed in today's competitive scenarios you need to THINK INTERNATIONALLY: companies can no longer limit themselves to invest only in their own country.

Domestic market are those markets where sellers and buyers belong to the same national market or where the currency used for economic transactions coincides with the currency of the place of trading.

International markets can be a great opportunity for your fledgling business.


What is E-commerce?

The E-commerce is the process of buying and selling products by electronic means such as mobile applications and the Internet.

Some ADVANTAGES of this process are that your e-shop will be ALWAYS OPEN!

Physical activities usually have limited hours, but an online e-commerce store remains ‘OPEN’ 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS A YEAR. This is extremely convenient for the customer and an excellent opportunity for merchants.

E-commerce advantages and tips

Cost savings: e-commerce companies have significantly lower operating costs than physical stores. There is no rent, no staff to hire and pay, and very little in terms of fixed operating costs. This makes e-commerce stores extremely competitive on price, which usually dramatically increases market share.

You should choose carefully the products to be included in the electronic catalogue with high resolution photographs and detailed product descriptions with accurate translations. In order to determine sales prices, you need to keep your competitors' prices under control.

How to communicate with international buyers?

The communication strategies adopted in the domestic market are not always valid in international markets. Language and different ways of living make it necessary to adapt communication to the target market. You don't need a large amount of capital to start your advertising campaign abroad. What is necessary is to focus on communication materials and packaging.

Social media must be functional to the presentation and sale of the product as they are able to promote a constant interaction with users.

However It is useful to note that some social media in some countries are not present: this is the case of Facebook widespread in Europe but not in China.


Online visibility, opt-in email, international market, link building, domestic market


The main goal of this course is to teach the importance of online communication for enterprises, how to boost online visibility of your new business and how to kick off into internalization process.


This course offers extremely accessible, learnable, teachable contents that basically any woman entrepreneur can use to create and scale her new ideas.
