Enhancing Competitiveness of Microentreprises in Rural Areas
Sources and resources in support of micro-enterprises To promote and support entrepreneurship of micro-enterprises EU provides key support networks, tools and resources (1 of 2)
It includes: 1.The Portal - that aims to give SMEs clear and easy access to the broad range of existing public services. Presently, 35 target markets around the world are covered. It includes a useful Market Access Database – that is free, open to the public and contains some 300 service providers that cover approximately 1200 support services.
2.The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, focusing on supporting internationalization of European Businesses and SMEs.
More information: To promote and support entrepreneurship of micro-enterprises EU provides key support networks, tools and resources (2 of 2)
It includes: 3.The Enterprise European Network, providing access to market information and partnership
4.The Europe Business portal: a guide to doing business in Europe
All of them are available in the 24 official languages of the European Union
More information: http://ec.europa.eu/small-business/index_en.htm
The “Internationalisation Portal”
Tools include: •Guidebooks on internationalisation support for micro-enterprises
•An extensive Export Helpdesk
•Formulation of the Enterprise Europe Network as a support tool for the internationalisation of micro-enterprises, providing advice for international growth
More Information: The “Database”
Tools include: •Partnering opportunities, divided into countries and sectors
•Event calendar for international growth opportunities
•Business matchmaking events, intel on trade missions, conferences and workshops
More Information: The European Cluster Collaboration Platform
Created by DG Growth: •It is an overview of EU Instruments contributing to the Internationalisation of European Businesses to help improve the knowledge of potential business internationalisation stakeholders on funding possibilities and existing instruments (both direct and indirect) and supporting SME internationalisation beyond the EU.
More Information: http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/21750 https://www.clustercollaboration.eu/international-cooperation The Enterprise Europe Network supports (1 of 2)
–Export of products or services to new markets
–Acquiring CE marking for products
–Finance guidance and mentoring for growth plans
–Protection of intellectual property assets in another country
•The Network has some 600 partners (SME support service providers) in more than 50 countries.
More Information: The Enterprise Europe Network Services (2 of 2)
1. Business co-operation •Services to develop trans-national (within the EU) and international (beyond the EU) commercial co-operation between SMEs.
2. Innovation and transfer of technology and knowledge •Helping Micro and SMEs to become more innovative;
3. Advice •Advice and information to help micro enterprises to become more competitive, and to enable them to benefit from opportunities in the single market, including advice on EU legislation.
•New services to support scale-ups will be launched in 2017.
More Information: Europe Business Portal (1 of 2)
•A convenient guide for micro-enterprises wishing to go abroad and fully exploit opportunities of the EU Single Market
•Intends to provide practical information on rights, obligations and opportunities for entrepreneurs who wish to do business throughout the EU
•Covers a wide range of topics i.e. e-procurement, IPRs, standardisation, EU funding
•Established under the EU programme COSME
More Information: Europe Business Portal (2 of 2)
•Divided into 8 main sections:
More Information: Funding Opportunities
The main opportunities for funding the internationalization of micro-enterprises include: 1.Access2Finance
2.Crowdfunding opportunities for micro-enterprises
3.COSME; that includes an equity and a debt facility
More Information: http://ec.europa.eu/growth/access-to-finance/cosme-financial-instruments/
Access 2 funding
Two thematic sections: •microcredit and microloans for micro-enterprises;
•social entrepreneurship.
•EaSI Guarantee. EUR 96 million available for interested microcredit providers
•EaSI Capacity Building. EUR 16 million available through EaSI Capacity Building Investments Window.
More Information: http://europa.eu/youreurope/business/funding-grants/access-to-finance/index_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1084&langId=en http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index.cfm/en/funding/accessing-funds/
Crowdfunding opportunities
Usually they keep 5% of the total funds raised. Examples: 1.Kickstarter.com. It has attracted more than five million contributors pledging close to $1 billion, funding more than 55,000 individual projects.
2.Indiegogo.com. The entrepreneurial campaign is the main tool for securing funding for micro-enterprises and start-ups
More Information: Funding Opportunities
1.COSME - The Equity Facility for Growth (EFG)
•Receiving funds from the European Investment Fund it invests in selected venture capital and private equity funds that provide funding to micro or SMEs predominantly in their expansion and growth stages.
More Information: http://www.eif.org/what_we_do/equity/single_eu_equity_instrument/cosme_efg/index.htm
Funding Opportunities
2.COSME - The Loan Guarantee Facility (LGF)
•It offers guarantees and counter guarantees to selected financial intermediaries (e.g. guarantee institutions, banks, leasing companies) to help them provide loans and leases to SMEs which they would otherwise not support.
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European resources, micro enterprises, rural
Objectives/goalsThis unit aims to increase understanding of the resources and financing opportunities available to support
micro-enterprises to expand to international markets
Course on Sources and resources in support of micro-enterprises