Financial resources are blood of the new venture and established company. They play very important role in the whole process of new venture development. There are different sources of new venture financing and their right choice is critical for new venture future.
- Sources of new venture financing
There are the following main categories of sources of new venture financing:
. bootstrap financing, . venture leasing . factoring . initial public offering (IPO)
. angel investors, . corporate venturing . franchising . private placement
. venture capital, . government programs, . mezzanine capital
. asset-based lenders, . trade credit . debt
Bootstrap financing (self, friends and family sources) is term for financing that does not depend on an investor´s assessment of the merits of the opportunity or on the value of the assets of the venture. This includes personal savings, credit/personal loans, loans from family and friends and equity investment from family and friends.
Angel investors often provide seed capital to develop an idea to the point where formal outside financing become feasible . They usually invest over horizons of 5-10 years. They are interested in investing fairly small amount of money in early-stage venture and often bring significant industry experience and are interested in active involvement.
Venture capital funds are organized as limited partnerships and limited partners provide most of the capital. General partner is responsible for managing the fund, including investment selection, working with entrepreneurs, and harvesting the investments. Venture capital funds are focused on equity investment in high-risk ventures with large potential return.
Asset- based lenders , or “secured lenders”, provide debt capital to businesses that have assets that can serve as collateral. They rely on the ability to liquidate business assets for debt servicing if necessary. In this type of products may belong project financing in banking, too.
Venture leasing is special case of leasing. An entrepreneur who requires tangible assets can lease, rather than purchase them. These tangible assets are inevitable for operation of the venture. The lessor´s return may be tied to the financial venture´s performance. In some countries also tax advantages in comparison to ownership are important.
Corporate venturing means implementation an in-house venture program. This program can be internally or externally managed. Corporate venturing can be more occurred in companies that depend on innovation to sustain competitive advantage and keep good ideas from loosing them (internally managed companies). Externally managed corporate venture may seek only financial returns or strategic investments.
Government programs are created by governments in many countries. These programs are usually run through specially established governmental institutions.
Trade credit or vendor financing arises whenever a business makes a purchase from a supplier that offers payment terms. These terms are usually industry specific. They are very important source of financing in emerging countries where is a shortage of risk capital.
Factoring is providing financing to venture through selling receivables to factor. Factor is a specialist who buys accounts receivable. This purchase of receivable can be with and without recourse. There are three elements of this transaction: advance (70-90% of face value of receivables), reserve (part which is held back if with recourse), fees (2-6% for handling, lending and risk).
Franchising enables a business concept to grow rapidly by using capital from franchisees. Franchisor establishes a business format and offers franchising opportunities to prospective franchisees.
Mezzanine capital is used at the stage when company has achieved positive net income. It has a form of subordinated debt or preferred equity and hybrid of senior debt and common equity. These instruments are provided mainly by venture capital firms or other private equity funds.
Debt financing is offered by commercial banks to ventures which at high growth stage with stable cash flow. There are two reasons to choose this instrument: a/ interest is tax deductible item and b/ debt holders usually don´t vote.
Initial public offering (IPO) is first sale of equity to public investors. IPOs provide a very small fraction of overall new venture funding at the later stage of development. It is way of venture capitalist exit. Company raises capital by selling registered equity shares to the public via a formal offering process.
Private placement of equity and debt is done through private placement market. It is done through selling of debt or equity securities to a small number of investors by means other than public offering.
- Financing & stages of new venture development
There are five stages that are typical for new venture development: development, start-up, early-growth, rapid-growth, exit. Venture financing is customized according to these development stages.
During the development stage, the venture generates no revenues and both net income and cash flow are negative. At this stage the entrepreneurs has not yet begun to invest in the infrastructure needed to initiate production and sale of the product.
At very early stage mostly internal, family and friends sources of financing are applied. These are different bootstrap techniques, like drawing down saving accounts, taking out second mortgages, using the credit lines of the credit cards etc., which are used at the very early stage.
As the development progress the other sources of financing like family members, friends, angels investors, banks, venture capitalists etc. are applied. The first external source of financing is called seed financing which are small money that should support exploration of business concept and in technology ventures this means initial funds for R&D.
Start-up stage of development starts when the firm begins to acquire the facilities, equipment and employees required to produce product. It is stage when start-up financing covers activities from later R&D to starting sale. Financing at this stage is provided when a concept appears to be worth pursuing, team is created and most of the risks related to development have been resolved.
During early growth revenue is probably growing, however, net income and cash flow available to investors are negative. Cash flow available to investors exceeds net income thanks to depreciation.
Rapid growth is closely related to early growth as many times these stages are overlapped. Net revenues are growing at an increasing rate. But this development requires to find financing that inevitable for rapid growth mainly at working capital and fixed assets. Early and rapid growths are related to later-stage financing. Mezzanine, bridge and bank financing are frequently used at growth stages of development.
During exit stage the venture´s cash flow available to the investor is positive. As venture´s returns to debt and equity is achievable without further increasing of financing it is time to harvest and realize the returns on their investments.