Gamification & Education to Nurture Intrapreneurship at Enterprise
Mindfulness, consapevolezza di sé, comportamento intraprendente, caratteristiche intraprendenti, punti di forza, punti di debolezza, salute
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Il modulo "Sviluppo personale e intrapreneurship: crescita della consapevolezza di sé e della mindfulness" illustra come sviluppare il comportamento intraprendente attraverso lo sviluppo personale. Più mindfulness porta ad un più alto grado di consapevolezza di sé. Entrambi sono importanti per diventare un intrapreneur.
(1) AOK Gesundheitsmagazin (2021). Selbstbewusstsein stärken – die besten Tipps.
(2) Bacigalupo, M., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y. and Van Den Brande, L. (2016). EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. EUR 27939 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2016. JRC101581.
(3) Coles, N. A., Larsen, J. T., & Lench, H. C. (2019). A meta-analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial feedback on emotional experience are small and variable. Psychological Bulletin, 145(6), 610–651.
(4) Hisrich, R. D. (1990). Entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship. American Psychologist, 45(2), p. 209–222.
(5) Keng, S.-L.; Smoski, M. J.; Robins, C. J. (2011). Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6), p. 1041–1056.
(6) Sala, A., Punie, Y., Garkov, V. and Cabrera Giraldez, M. (2020). LifeComp: The European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence, EUR 30246 EN, Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN 978-92-76-19417-0, doi:10.2760/922681, JRC120911.
(7) Mindfulness (n. d.). In: Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved from:
(8) Yela Aránega, Y., Del Val Núñez, M. T., Castaño Sánchez, R. (2020). Mindfulness as an intrapreneurship tool for improving the working environment and self-awareness. Journal of Business Research, 115, 186-193.