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Corporate identity
What is corporate identity and how important is it to your business?

Corporate identity is the set of commercial, economic, iconographic, ideological, methodological and technological factors that your brand or company uses to differentiate itself from others. A company's corporate identity can comprise one or more of these concepts, which form the cornerstone of any communication strategy.

A strong corporate image allows for quick recognition by the target audience. A brand can be associated with colours, shapes, images, slogans, and music: all the elements that allow association are part of the corporate identity.

Why choose Internet Web Solutions for your corporate identity?

Internet Web Solutions can help your company build a strong and recognisable corporate identity, giving your brand a unique edge over the competition.

A complete corporate identity package includes a number of services that can be ordered in modules or as a package, such as logo design, website development, business card design, personalised stationery, presentations, etc.

The basis of your corporate identity is the logo, as it is the result of a strategic and marketing analysis and will be your first identification to the public. The shape, colour, appearance and impact of the logo will later be transferred to the other communicative elements of the corporate identity.
Once the logo is ready, you can move on to the more advanced levels of communication such as business cards, stationery and the corporate website.
The main idea behind this process is not only to give you an online image but also to make this image effective and easy to associate with your brand.

If you need to design your corporate image, contact us without obligation!

Further information