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SEAH 8th Transnational Meeting on July 2022

SEAH   Programa Erasmus +

On the 8th of July 2022, the SEAH project partners gathered online for the 8th working project meeting. The meeting, originally planned face-to-face- was related to the final units of IO3, the testing and finalisation of learning objects, the forthcoming multiplier event and the deadlines of the project final stages.
After the official greetings and some internal management, administration and communication points, the coordinator team presented the reports of the testing phase for the first 4 units of each language and of the video presentations with also an overview of the fifth unit, recently available in the OER platform. It followed a very detailed presentation of the learning platform (called learning corner), comprehensive of each type of exercise presented in the learning units by Internet Web Solutions, the IT partner of the project. Partners shared a deep emotional moment as the final results for international students in the field of Architecture and Construction.

The meeting followed with a detailed report of the first SEAH project Multiplier Event. Indeed on 5th July, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) hosted the Multiplier Event and Dra. Paloma Úbeda Mansilla from the Spanish Board Team of UPM told that it was a successful moment to disseminate the work of this innovative European project and to reflect on the Spanish specific language of architecture and construction with International students. The last Multiplier Event will be organized by the UdA- team at the Language Department at the University of Pescara and it is scheduled on the 29th September 2022 (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) for both in-person and online participants.