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ASTRA Multiplier Event

Astra   Programa Erasmus +

The Italian ASTRA Multiplier Event was held on 15 and 16 December, by Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS.

The Multiplier Event ideally marks the beginning of the closing phase of the project’s workload and has allowed both Idrisi and the partners, remotely, to present the project's intellectual outputs to the public, for example documentary and multimedia products on the Sicilian mining heritage, but also the platform and the original geodatabase, developed by Internet Web Solutions.

The two days were above all a moment of sharing, exchange and storytelling on the history of European mining and the fate of the former extraction sites, with the full support of a vast, involved audience.

The event program dealt with various contents, close not only to ASTRA but more generally to Idrisi, the Erasmus+ Program and europlanning culture: from the third sector as a 'place' to conceive, design and produce educational initiatives to Erasmus+, to its opportunities and the space that this Program grants to creative activities that wish to enhance the European cultural heritage, including the contemporary, post-industrial, post-mining one.

Participants in the event were also offered the performance 'Voci di Miniera', by and with Patrizia d'Antona, with the participation of Paride Cicirello.

Thanks to all the participants and in particular to the Managers, teachers and students of the "F.Crispi" Ribera Comprehensive Institute, of the IISS “Francesco Ferrara” of Palermo, of the "Francesco Scaduto" State High School Gymnasium of Bagheria for having accepted our invitation so warmly.

Further thanks to the mayor of the Municipality of Montedoro R. Bufalino for his intervention and for having supported, together with the StarGeo association and the Zolfara Museum, ASTRA in many of its phases and productions.

Special thanks to the Erasmus + National Agency Indire and to the Coordinator Dr. Sara Pagliai for her greetings and her intervention dedicated to Erasmus +, as well as to the EDA Partnerships Unit for the consideration and availability shown and profused.

Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to the Pietro Barbaro Foundation, which hosted and welcomed Idrisi and the initiative in the splendid and evocative hall of Palazzo Trinacria.
